Sunday 9 February 2025 Artificial Birds, As Found Animal Replicas
A cloth penguin at the San Francisco Zoo stood on cloth snow. A metal crane stood on the floor next to the leg of a plastic HDTV stand. The gift shop of Safari West, Santa Rosa, California, featured may items of clothing and book and animal reproductions. Here was one of the small bird sculptures for sale. A goose statue appeared to emerge from wall to flap its wings. Swanee admires man's river of feathers. A garden alongside Prospect Street had a fake pelican as one of its centerpieces. Here the pelican was flying over yellow flowers. Two emu chicks stood on a table in the living room in front of a Styrofoam headstone.
Some related stories: Domesticated
• Zoo
• Wild Bird
• Captive
• Feathers
• Unknown
• Garden Birds
• Art Birds
• Bird Names
• Houses
Saturday 8 February 2025 Toys, For Dogs As Pets, Eugene, Oregon
A dog toy in the shape of a snowman was found on the living room carpet. A dog toy squirrel was resting on the living room carpet. A pile of dog toys was in a plastic box just outside the laundry room. A dinosaur dog toy was laying on the living room carpet. An upside down cloud dog toy was laying on the living room carpet. Even upside down, one can tell that this is a happy cloud. A dog toy in the shape of a happy star had been discarded on the living room carpet.
Related stories: Artificial Canines
• Dogs Generally
• Irish Wolfhound
• Named
• Puppy
• Signs
Monday 3 February 2025 Artificial Bugs, As a form of Insect Animal
Bugs on banners outside the Academy Of Science in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park. This praying mantis may have been a photograph, but was printed on a banner making it artificial. The words on the banner read, Bugs Now Thru Jan 22 A plush ladybug toy lay on the carpet next to a roll of tape. A child in a blue dress was trapped by legs. The entire scene was photographed through a party balloon.
Some related stories: Gerridae
• Beetle
• Butterfly
• Grasshopper
• Moth
• Dragonfly
• Fly
• Bee
• Mantis
• Spider
Saturay 25 January 2025 Winter Ferns, As A Type Of Plant, Eugene, Oregon
Another of the ferns, that used to decorate the left side of our front path, had also fallen flat and turned brown this winter. One of the ferns, that used to decorate the left side of our front path, had fallen flat and turned brown this winter. On the other hand, the fern, to the right of our front path and protected by a tall bush, continued to stand upright and green.
Related stories: Korean Rock Fern (Polystichum Isus-simense)
• Soft Tree Fern (Dicksonia Antarctica)
• Vegetable Garden Ferns
• Western Swordfern (Polystichum Munitum)
• Wood Fern (Dryopteris Arguta)
Thursday 23 January 2025 Street Mural, John Adams Center, City College Of San Francisco, 1860 Hayes Street, San Francisco, California
Behind a tree, a unhoused person tried to sleep on a transit bench under a newspaper. A nest by water contained four blue eggs. A highly symbolic section of the mural and a sign that read, "Youth Jobs Closed." Kids studied while another kid played music and danced. Below, in grey tones, people were trapped behind bars. The mother of the river helped a child float downstream past the four eggs. A hand held a hypodermic needle and a man bellowed as he drove his car. Another section of the mural showed kids discovering the world. Ten people gathered under a banner that read, "Educate to Liberate." Two people held papers. One held a photograph. Another juggled balls.
Related stories: Bars
• John Adams Center
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