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The Bone Room
(1 of 9) (30733 views)


Pictured is the original Bone Room. We remodeled our space in May 2015. Founded by Ron Cauble (see Bio below), The Bone Room offers natural products to educators, artists, collectors and gift-buyers. The Bone Room has been in business for almost 30 years, first as a small room within a reptile emporium (The East Bay Vivarium), then as a tiny shop on Claremont Avenue in Oakland, then at a larger location on Solano Avenue in Berkeley. It was during its time on Solano that The Bone Room became a presence on the web, starting with a pioneering website in 1995.

The Bone Room external link   •  The Bone Room is a Natural History Store   •  © 2018 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #boneroom-logo_orig
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Elisabeth Varadan
(2 of 9) (30650 views)


Thanks for stopping by. I'm a happily married author who loves to travel to Spain and India with my husband and blog about the many things I uncover in my research and travels. I write mysteries, historical fiction and children's books. I hope you will visit often and leave comments and tell me about yourself.

Elisabeth Varadan's Fourth Wish external link   •  An Author and World Traveler   •  © 2018 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #Elisabeth_Varadan
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(3 of 9) (41432 views)


So we invented the inkbox tattoo - a temporary tattoo that actually looks authentic. Unlike temporary tattoos that are just stickers on your skin, inkbox tattoos function more like permanent tattoos - they sit in your skin, and then fade as your skin naturally regenerates. In other words, they allow you to express your boldest, most badass self, without the commitment. We think that's pretty cool!

InkBox external link   •  Tattos for now, not forever   •  © 2018 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #B12_3840
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High Fructose
(4 of 9) (30649 views)


Hi-Fructose is a quarterly print art magazine, founded by artists, Attaboy and Annie Owens in 2005. Hi-Fructose focuses squarely on the art which transcends genre and trend, assuring readers thorough coverage and content that is informative and original. Hi-Fructose showcases an amalgamation of new contemporary, emerging as well distinguished artists, with a spotlight on awe inspiring spectacles from round the world.

High Fructose external link   •  The New Contemporary Art Magazine   •  © 2018 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License

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Saint Stupid Day
(5 of 9) (30730 views)


i pledge allegiance, to the illusion, and to the pyramid scheme, for which it stands. One species, in denial, with error and excess, by all.

Saint Stupid Day external link   •  The First Church of the Last Laugh   •  © 2018 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License

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Buzz Brooks
(6 of 9) (48405 views)


Hi! Pull up a wine, and have yourself a glass of seat.... ...but if that proves too difficult, just pull up a cork, sit down, and sip a glass.... of your favorite beverage! Perhaps you have met me in San Francisco, where, perhaps, you got into a taxi and....voila! I sang to you some silly, witty, and wacky songs!

Buzz Brooks external link   •  A San Francisco Singing Taxi Driver   •  © 2018 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #204532_0740BCX
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48 Hills
(7 of 9) (30663 views)


48 Hills is San Francisco and the Bay Area's independent, progressive news and culture site, founded by former editors and publishers of the San Francisco Bay Guardian. Launched in 2013 by Tim Redmond and updated daily, 48 Hills has grown to 30,000 readers a week and covers news, politics, arts, music, nightlife, and a vast array of cultural topics. 48 Hills is entirely community supported. 48 Hills the official publication of the non-profit San Francisco Progressive Media Center, a non-profit 501(c)3 organization.

48 Hills external link   •  A San Francisco Online Newspaper   •  © 2018 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License

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George Jansen
(8 of 9) (34274 views)


George Jansen has published short stories and poems, and collaborated on half a dozen technical books concerning computer languages, operating systems, and email. His first novel, "The Jesse James Scrapbook" was published by Hilliard & Harris in 2003. His second, The Fade-away, was published by Pocol Press in 2007. Both have been republished by Fool Church Media in 2017. His third novel, "Haunts" was published by Fool Church Media in 2018. He currently resides in Pleasanton, California with a ridiculously fat cat. He is also an Honorary Mouseketeer.

George Jansen external link   •  Novelist and Honorary Mouseketeer   •  © 2018 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C17_3128
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Bryan Costales
(9 of 9) (45832 views)


Bryan Costales wrote the very successful "sendmail" (bat book) for O'Reilly Media. His most recent credits are short stories published in The Banyon Review, Romance Magazine, and the Riptide Journal. Bryan is CTO with Fool Church Media. He lives in the great Northwest where he shoots professionally published photography, dabbles in gardening, and explores nature. His interests range from science to politics to public transportation.

Bryan Costales external link   •  Author external link Photographer external link   •  © 2018 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #Bcx2006_05
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