American Avocet, (Recurvirostra americana) As A Wild Bird

Avocet in breeding plumage (Recurvirostra americana)
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This view shows the extent of the buff coloring avocets acquire on neck and chest in the breeding season. They stand about 15 to 20 inches tall and Wikipedia external link has more info on these birds if you're interested.

internal link (2007) Palo Alto Bird Sanctuary   •  Photo Posted May 20, 2007   •  © 2007 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License

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Avocet non-breeding plumage
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This photo was taken late March of this year and many birds were still in just black and white. For courting and breeding the necks and chest acquire a rusty or tan color.

They really seem to enjoy their mud-flats.

internal link (2007)Palo Alto Bird Sanctuary, Palo Alto, CA   •  Photo Posted May 19, 2007   •  © 2007 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License

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Breeding pair of Avocets
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Taken Early May, they are guarding a nest and looking lovely. Maybe next trip out there I can get a shot of some Avocet chicks.

internal link (2007) Palo Alto Bird Sanctuary   •  Photo Posted May 21, 2007   •  © 2007 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License

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American Avocet (Recurvirostra americana)
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A female avocet sits on her eggs. When the tide comes in this nest will barely be above the water. external link

internal link Palo Alto, California   •  (Photo posted Wednesday 27 January, 2010)   •  (Photo taken 11:04:08 Monday 19 May, 2008)   •  © 2010 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #American_Avocet
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