Snowy Egret

Adult snowy egret ignores fledgling night heron
(1 of 14) (8968 views)


Adult snowy egret ignores fledgling night heron

(2007) Palo Alto Duck Pond, Palo Alto, California   •  © 2007 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #SnowyEgret2007_07
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Adult snowy egret wonders if it is just one feather too many
(2 of 14) (9013 views)


Adult snowy egret wonders if it is just one feather too many

(2007) Palo Alto Duck Pond, Palo Alto, California   •  © 2007 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #SnowyEgret2007_02
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Adult snowy egret about to fly off with a branch
(3 of 14) (9004 views)


Adult snowy egret about to fly off with a branch

(2007) Palo Alto Duck Pond, Palo Alto, California   •  © 2007 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #SnowyEgret2007_03
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Adult snowy egret shows off for the camera
(4 of 14) (8995 views)


Adult snowy egret shows off for the camera

(2007) Palo Alto Duck Pond, Palo Alto, California   •  © 2007 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #SnowyEgret2007_04
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Snowy egret mom snuggles with chick
(5 of 14) (9002 views)


Snowy egret mom snuggles with chick

(2007) Palo Alto Duck Pond, Palo Alto, California   •  © 2007 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #SnowyEgret2007_05
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Adult snowy egret watches the goings on
(6 of 14) (8960 views)


Adult snowy egret watches the goings on

(2007) Palo Alto Duck Pond, Palo Alto, California   •  © 2007 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #SnowyEgret2007_06
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Adult snowy egret gargling before that big date
(7 of 14) (13562 views)


Adult snowy egret gargling before that big date

(2007) Palo Alto Duck Pond, Palo Alto, California   •  © 2007 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #SnowyEgret2007_01
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Snowy Egret chicks gossip about neighboring nest
(8 of 14) (8970 views)


Snowy Egret chicks gossip about neighboring nest

(2007) Palo Alto Duck Pond, Palo Alto, California   •  © 2007 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #SnowyEgret2007_08
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Shy snowy Egret chick with unusual markings
(9 of 14) (8984 views)


Shy snowy Egret chick with unusual markings

That is, a black bill and mask   •  (2007) Palo Alto Duck Pond, Palo Alto, California   •  © 2007 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #SnowyEgret2007_09
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Mother snowy egret forces food down chicks beak
(10 of 14) (9008 views)


Mother snowy egret forces food down chicks beak

(2007) Palo Alto Duck Pond, Palo Alto, California   •  © 2007 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #SnowyEgret2007_10
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Snowy egret youth starts flight school
(11 of 14) (9033 views)


Snowy egret youth starts flight school

(2007) Palo Alto Duck Pond, Palo Alto, California   •  © 2007 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #SnowyEgret2007_11
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All the neighborhood watches flight school
(12 of 14) (8970 views)


All the neighborhood watches flight school

(2007) Palo Alto Duck Pond, Palo Alto, California   •  © 2007 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #SnowyEgret2007_12
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Prof. Snowy Egret teaches flight school
(13 of 14) (8977 views)


Prof. Snowy Egret teaches flight school

(2007) Palo Alto Duck Pond, Palo Alto, California   •  © 2007 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #SnowyEgret2007_13
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Adult snowy egret demonstrates a proper landing
(14 of 14) (9018 views)


Adult snowy egret demonstrates a proper landing

(2007) Palo Alto Duck Pond, Palo Alto, California   •  © 2007 Terry Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #SnowyEgret2007_14
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