Snake Skin, As A Reptile, A Found Land Animal

Python Skin
(1 of 2) (7020 views)


Python skin bore a remarkable resemblance to Indian corn (also known as Flint corn or Calico corn).

Snake Skin external link   •  As A Reptile external link   •  A Found Land Animal   •  The Wildlife Safari internal link   •  Winston, Oregon external link   •  (Date Photographed: 14:17:15 Thursday 24 September 2015)   •  (Date Published: Friday 2 December 2016)   •  © 2016 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4508
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Python Inside
(2 of 2) (4165 views)


This section of snake skin was still moving because it had a Python living inside it.

Snake Skin external link   •  As A Reptile external link   •  A Found Land Animal   •  The Wildlife Safari internal link   •  Winston, Oregon external link   •  (Date Photographed: 14:17:16 Thursday 24 September 2015)   •  (Date Published: Friday 2 December 2016)   •  © 2016 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #C15_4510
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