Peru, Hung Laundry, As Washed Apparel

On Roof
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Laundry was barely visible just above a roof line. Doorway access to the roof allowed for ease of drying from lines strung between walls.

Hung Laundry As Future Apparel   •  Miraflores area of Lima internal link Peru   •  (Photo posted Friday 31 July 2009)   •  (Photo taken 10:50:22 Sunday 4 April 2009)   •  © 2009 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #MirafloresLima_1573BCX
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Below Porch
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Laundry was strung just below the porch on a rope strung from the porch. Keeping the laundry close to the porch had the advantage that it was also under the roof's edge and away from rain.

Hung Laundry As Future Apparel   •  Aguajal internal link on the Amazon, Peru   •  (Photo posted Friday 31 July 2009)   •  (Photo taken 10:15:04 Monday 6 April 2009)   •  © 2009 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #AguajalAmazonPeru_2268BCX
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Laundry Like Banners
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A line of laundry outside this home seemed festive because of the blue paint on the wall. As the boat passed this home, the clothing seemed as if festive banners.

Hung Laundry As Future Apparel   •  Santa Rosa internal link on the Amazon, Peru   •  (Photo posted Friday 31 July 2009)   •  (Photo taken 11:46:42 Wednesday 8 April 2009)   •  © 2009 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #SantaRosaPeru_2772BCX
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Every Support
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Laundry dried on most every support near the beach.

Hung Laundry As Future Apparel   •  Along the Amazon, Peru   •  (Photo posted Friday 31 July 2009)   •  (Photo taken 16:06:16 Wednesday 8 April 2009)   •  © 2009 Bryan Costales Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License #AmazonPeru_2858BCX
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