Sidewalk Art As Found Art San Francisco, California
Stencil graffiti is a form of graffiti that makes use of stencils made out of paper, cardboard, or other media to create an image or text that is easily reproducible. The desired design is cut out of the selected medium and then the image is transferred to a surface through the use of spray paint or roll-on paint. [from wikipedia]
Bright Eyes Footprints Sidewalk Art Mushroom Vents Stenciled Animals Wet Sidewalk Art
Bright Eyes, Sidewalk Art, As Found Art, Oakland, California

Eyes are organs of the visual system. They provide animals with vision, the ability to receive and process visual detail, as well as enabling several photo response functions that are independent of vision. Eyes detect light and convert it into electro-chemical impulses in neurons. [from wikipedia]

Mushroom Vents, Sidewalk Art, As Found Art, Davis, California

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) is the use of various technologies to control the temperature, humidity, and purity of the air in an enclosed space.[from wikipedia]

Footprints Sidewalk Art, As Found Art, Artist: Unknown, San Francisco, California

Footprints are the impressions or images left behind by a person walking or running. Hoofprints and pawprints are those left by animals with hooves or paws rather than feet, while "shoeprints" is the specific term for prints made by shoes.[from wikipedia]

Stenciled Animals, Sidewalk Art, As Found Art, San Francisco, California

Stencil graffiti is a form of graffiti that makes use of stencils made out of paper, cardboard, or other media to create an image or text that is easily reproducible. The desired design is cut out of the selected medium and then the image is transferred to a surface through the use of spray paint or roll-on paint.[from wikipedia]

Wet Sidewalk Art, As Found Art, Eugene, Oregon

In the United States, the term sidewalk is used for the pedestrian path beside a road. "Shared use paths" or "multi-use paths" are available for use by both pedestrians and bicyclists.[from wikipedia]

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