Weather Vanes Show Wind Direction
The weather vane was independently invented in ancient China and Greece around the same time during the 2nd century BCE. The earliest written reference to a weather vane appears in the Huainanzi, and a weather vane was fitted on top of the Tower of the Winds in Athens. [from wikipedia]
2017 Weather Vanes 2011 Weather Vanes 2007 Weather Vanes 2006 Weather Vanes
2017 Weather Vanes, Show Wind Direction

Early weather vanes had very ornamental pointers, but modern weather vanes are usually simple arrows that dispense with the directionals because the instrument is connected to a remote reading station.[from wikipedia]

2011 Weather Vanes, Show Wind Direction

Although partly functional, weather vanes are generally decorative, often featuring the traditional cockerel design with letters indicating the points of the compass. Other common motifs include ships, arrows and horses.[from wikipedia]

2007 Weather Vanes, Show Wind Direction

A weather vane, wind vane, or weathercock is an instrument used for showing the direction of the wind. It is typically used as an architectural ornament to the highest point of a building.[from wikipedia]

2006 Weather Vanes, Show Wind Direction

Decorative (also called wind vanes) show the current source of wind.

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