Jacobaea Maritima AKA Dusty Miller As A Flowering Plant Eugene, Oregon
The plants have pale-green to white leaves, which are covered on both surfaces with thick trichomes, giving a silver or whitish appearance. The yellow flowers grow in tall clusters and bloom from July to late August.[2] The species thrives in dry and hot climates. [from wikipedia]
2021 Jacobaea Maritima 2022 Jacobaea Maritima Jacobaea Maritima "Dusty Miller" Flowers
2021 Jacobaea Maritima, AKA Dusty Miller, As A Flowering Plant, Eugene, Oregon

The plants have pale-green to white leaves, which are covered on both surfaces with thick trichomes, giving a silver or whitish appearance. The yellow flowers grow in tall clusters and bloom from July to late August.[2] The species thrives in dry and hot climates.[from wikipedia]

2022 Jacobaea Maritima, AKA Dusty Miller, A Flowering Plant, Eugene, Oregon

It is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant for its white, felt-like tomentose leaves; in horticultural use, it is also sometimes called dusty miller, a name shared with several other plants that also have silvery tomentose leaves, including Centaurea cineraria and Silene coronaria.[form wikipedia]

Jacobaea Maritima "Dusty Miller" Flowers, A Flowering Plant, Eugene, Oregon

Although dusty miller produces a lovely yellow flower, most gardeners tend to find it insignificant and less than worthwhile. You can cut the flower stalks down when they form, or you can let the plant do what it wants to do and enjoy a bit of yellow playing off those silvery hues![from gardenerspath website]

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