Music Found At The 2019 Burning Man Decompression Party Old Power Station San Francisco, California
Music is an art form, and cultural activity, whose medium is sound. General definitions of music include common elements such as pitch (which governs melody and harmony), rhythm (and its associated concepts tempo, meter, and articulation), dynamics (loudness and softness), and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture (which are sometimes termed the "color" of a musical sound). [from wikipedia]
Baaahs Stage Butterfly Man Stage Church Stage HOTD (Hair Of The Dog) Stage Marching Band Opulent Temple & Duck Pond Stage
Baaahs Stage, (Big-Ass Amazingly Awesome Homosexual Sheep), As Music Found At, The 2019 Burning Man, Decompression Party, Old Power Station, San Francisco, California

Baaahs stands for:Big-Ass Amazingly Awesome Homosexual Sheep

Butterfly Man Stage, As Music Found At, The 2019 Burning Man, Decompression Party, Old Power Station, San Francisco, California

Butterflies are insects in the macrolepidopteran clade Rhopalocera from the order Lepidoptera, which also includes moths. Adult butterflies have large, often brightly coloured wings, and conspicuous, fluttering flight. The group comprises the large superfamily Papilionoidea, which contains at least one former group, the skippers (formerly the superfamily "Hesperioidea"), and the most recent analyses suggest it also contains the moth-butterflies (formerly the superfamily "Hedyloidea"). Butterfly fossils date to the Paleocene, about 56 million years ago.[from wikipedia]

Church Stage, As Music Found At, The 2019 Burning Man, Decompression Party, Old Power Station, San Francisco, California

A church building or church house, often simply called a church, is a building used for Christian religious activities, particularly for Christian worship services. The term is often used by Christians to refer to the physical buildings where they worship, but it is sometimes used as an analogy to refer to buildings of other religions. In traditional Christian architecture, a church interior is often structured in the shape of a Christian cross. When viewed from plan view the vertical beam of the cross is represented by the center aisle and seating while the horizontal beam and junction of the cross is formed by the bema and altar.[from wikipedia]

Opulent Temple & Duck Pond Stage, As Music Found At, The 2019 Burning Man, Decompression Party, Old Power Station, San Francisco, California

A duck pond is a pond for ducks and other waterfowl. Duck ponds provide habitats for water fowl and other birds, who use the water to bathe in and drink.[from wikipedia]

HOTD (Hair Of The Dog) Stage, As Music Found At, The 2019 Burning Man, Decompression Party, Old Power Station, San Francisco, California

HOTD (hair of the dog) is the longest running bar and stage on the playa. We give you passable drinks, raw music, and the most charming collection of broke ass shit you'll ever find.[from the hotd website]

Marching Band, As Music Found At, The 2019 Burning Man, Decompression Party, Old Power Station, San Francisco, California

A marching band is a group in which instrumental musicians perform while marching, often for entertainment or competition. Instrumentation typically includes brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments. Most marching bands wear a uniform, often of a military-style, that includes an associated organization's colors, name or symbol. Most high school marching bands, and some college marching bands, are accompanied by a color guard, a group of performers who add a visual interpretation to the music through the use of props, most often flags, rifles, and sabres.[from wikipedia]

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