Gatun Locks Panama Canal
The set of three locks at the northern (Carribean Sea) end of the canal.
Highest Lock Lower Lock Middle Lock Mules
Highest Lock, Of Three, Gatun Locks, The Panama Canal

The highest of three locks, of the Gatun Locks. A set of threelocks connecting the Caribbean Sea to Gatun Lake. The highest of thethree connects to Gatun Lake.

Lower Lock, Of Three, Gatun Locks, The Panama Canal

The lowest (closest to the Caribbean Sea) lock of the Gatun Locks. A set of threelocks connecting the Caribbean Sea to Gatun Lake.

Middle Lock, Of Three, Gatun Locks, The Panama Canal

The middle of three locks, of the Gatun Locks. A set of threelocks connecting the Caribbean Sea to Gatun Lake.

Mules, Of The Gatun Locks, The Panama Canal

The original boats were pulled by actual mules. These railway mules hold the ships centeredin the locks.

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